Hip-Hop Wing Shop

86 St John's Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool

Menu Hip-Hop Wing Shop

Why Hip Hop Wing Shop?

Our menu delivers flavour, attitude and creativity, celebrating the fusion of food and hip-hop culture. Perfect for fans of wings and beats alike!

Every bite is a hit and every flavour is a track you'll want on repeat. This is where we remix classic American-style chicken with bold, authentic flavours inspired by the legends of hip-hop.

About Hip-Hop Wing Shop

Here, we're remixing the classics with bold flavours and serving up authentic American-style buttermilk chicken that's as iconic as the artists that inspired our menu.

Restaurant location Hip-Hop Wing Shop

Welcome to Hip Hop Wing Shop - Straight Outta Crosby.

86 St John's Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool, England, L22 9QQ 

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